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red_lace "Braaaaaaains!"
100 year old woman from Definitely Not In, Alberta      Looking for man for friendship

About red_lace

IMPORTANT: This profile is solely intended for the use of the Mingle2 member listed above and may contain information that is unsuitable for overly sensitive persons with low self-esteem, no sense of humor or irrational religious beliefs. If you have any of those qualities or a desire to develop anything romantic with the aforementioned Mingle2 member, you are not authorized (either explicitly or implicitly) to initiate contact and therefore constitute an irritating internet social faux pas. Also, let it be known that unless you can use the word absquatulation in its correct context without any grammatical error or know what song Ken Foree always sang to Scott H. Reiniger on their drive to the mall during the filming of Dawn of the Dead 1978, you may be ignored.

No animals or zombies were harmed in the making of this profile. Those of you with an overwhelming fear of the unknown will be gratified to learn that there is no hidden message revealed by reading this warning backwards, so just ignore that "Alert Notice" from Microsoft. However, by pouring a complete circle of salt around yourself and your computer you can ensure that no harm befalls you. Of course, the entire physical universe may one day collapse back into an infinitesimally small space. Should this happen and another universe subsequently reemerges, your existence or any acknowledgment thereof is still not guaranteed.


It has been awhile since I learned to string thoughts together; still the art, the right words, eludes me. Neither for finding friends nor for keeping them. My words belong nowhere, sought nowhere; it seems like. I am more at home with silence, wrestling with it even; beholding it like a sunset, even beating it into the anvil of my will, shaping it into harmlessness, rolling with it in my arms, onto the grass on top of some hill on a moonless night, keeping it company as it watched the winking stars. Yet it is in me to try. I have to start again, somewhere.


Aren’t we all puzzles to ourselves? And as we delve, as nature dictates, into other souls, as we stare into shards of broken mirrors…should not we, in tracing beds of scars; should not we, as we choose stillness, seek movement still?

What have we to teach to each other; what have we to learn? What insights, spoken or unspoken, do we bring to touching, every meeting, and at the threshold of every possible commitment; from ordinary friendship to the most intimate of relationships? What conundrums beg to be answered — to be addressed — at the perfect moment, and sometimes, never asked, never explored, at all? What questions pass us by, what answers? What people have we lost because we had never bothered to ask, never dared to ask? What friendships have we kept? What wisdom have we gained? Some of these, I try to explore here.

I have a predominant curiosity into human nature, so if I visited your page, it was merely to observe a different perspective. Leave a note, a poem, an insight for both the rainy days and sunshine. When you’re ready to go, don’t say goodbye, just soar away. Nothing is finite here, except life; but then again, who knows?


Currently, I am traveling and I'm not in Canada, though that is my proverbial heaven on Earth. My target date of arrival will be next year. I travel a lot and have no time to update my location every time, and I don't think it is relevant since I am not here to date. My friends know where I am and what I'm currently doing, but I just wanted to state it here to avoid any confusion.
Profession: Mental Wayfarer

Physical Appearance

< 5'
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Marital Status
No answer
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