lilith401 "I believe in unicorns... "
33 year old woman from Northeastern, Ohio      Looking for man for dating

About lilith401

I am a very honest and forthright individual. I believe in being direct when needed, yet try to be as tactful as possible.

I strive to live by the golden rule and believe that it is vital to cherish, respect, and please those I love as a result.

I adore posting in the forums, and the people there are fantastic. Please go there and check it out...

I’m originally from New England and live in Ohio because my son lives here. It’s a nice, affordable place, but my heart is not here. I love the ocean, the sound, the feel, the smell, and the air….. I miss the fresh seafood (quahogs and all, pronounced “quahawg”), the “wicked accent”, and the wonder of the true circle of life with four distinct seasons… and the hottest time of the day being noon!

I work within the court system (peripherally) and I adore what I do. It’s demanding and I’m very good at it, so that is fulfilling. Each day I enjoy going to work despite meeting with criminals just about daily, sometimes more than one. I have the ability, within my job, to be constantly reminded of how wonderful my life is in comparison to where it could be. There but for the grace of God go I, in so many words.

I try to look at rainbows and notice the sunset, to appreciate the beauty that is right there in front of me, regardless of the name of the state I’m in. I think what I’m getting at here is that I try to view every facet of my life in a framework that I can live with. I watch some terrible television and am a voracious reader. I read a lot of heavy stuff in college, where I was geeky enough to work at the school as a tutor and read for pleasure on school breaks. I admit I ask a lot of questions and sometimes can be guilty of interrogation. I am also extremely passionate in many areas of my life, so I’m an intense woman who adores to be relaxed. I find it very thrilling to be out of control because I love to be in it, too. I need a balance, you see?

I survive on my ability to have accurate instincts and to utilize the tools I was provided with. I am honored to have some really great and brilliant friends, many of whom I would willingly substitute their judgment for my own if the situation warranted it. I hope to meet more of those people in this site, as well as have fun and try not to be so serious all the time! I love to laugh and anyone who can get me to do that is a person I should definitely get to know better! I also adore punctuation, spelling, and overall proper English.

I also happen to believe in unicorns. What? Yes, I do. When you believe you open the door to wonder and magic... behind that door is your hopes and dreams come alive... love is waiting. [If you believe am I am being concrete, go look it up if you need to... then dismiss that. I'm being abstract in the unicorn reference. Open your mind up a bit...]

...unicorns can thrive anywhere that the heart and imagination are receptive to them.

The truth is, no one knows for certain.
But here's what I believe; wherever they may have come from, unicorns live inside the true believer's heart.
Which means that as long as we can dream, there will be unicorns.
Profession: Court

Physical Appearance

5' 8"
Hair color
Body type
White / Caucasian


Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, sometimes they live at home
Want Children?

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